Capture Life's Moments

Capture Life's Moments

07 February 2012

Let Us Love The World To Peace, Not Death...


A peace revolution. These three words... what do they mean to you? Do you believe in such a thing? Beyond all extremes, I do! This world has become such violent planet and I'm not ashamed to say that Mother Earth and Father Sky did not have this in mind when they created this planet we call home. Who would have thought that any precious creature could be capable of doing what has drove the crime and terrorist threats to this world. 

QUOTING Lady Miss Kier.....

 "Oh precious land, you're in the wrong hands. Stretched every way like a rubber band. I'm calling out to ALL earth fans. Come one, give a damn, and take a stand... Keep the Hope spinning the GLOBE! ...The animals are endangered. Mother Nature is a stranger. How do we measure nuclear waste? Electric cars and solar TV's. Organic food is the things we need. And if you still don't understand, the information is at your hands, so make demands. Demands in this world you like to see. Convenience is the enemy." 


An ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within ALL nations and/or people.
I know this is such a far fetched idea. But don't you agree life would be a lot better and people could relax and not worry like worry warts?! We could fly to another state or, shit, another country and be able to file your nails on the plane. 
I would love to see this happen in my life time... but heck, I'll take it happening in my children's lives or their children's lives. I just know that this wasn't how Mother Earth and Father Sky wanted it to be. 

QUOTING Lady Miss Kier....

"Who is the winner of war? 
Is Mother Nature gonna keep the score.
Are we one for all or are we all for one. 
Or on the outside of a deal well done.
Slicker than an oil spill over up.
Left alone like a homeless persons cup.
As civilizations rise and fall,
Libraries burn down to the ground.
But love remains standing tall.
Although history is a matter of opinion. 

We must be one for all
Don't let your mind be weak
Don't be afraid to speak
Just look at history
And then you've got to see
That hate will never pay
Love is the ONLY way!!"

Do you strive for freedom, yet feel limited on what the term..

FREEDOM means.....??

I thought the United States of America was the country who advertised and many times (just my opinion) glorified the term..


This world has become something I'm sure the late world leaders and all the ones who just blatantly left a mark in this country's history, or in ones life wouldn't approve of how the people of this country are treating the people of this country. 

"I have a Dream, Today"

QUOTING Lady Miss Kier.....

"We've been building the ship for years, because the river is made from tears. And now we're drifting down the river of Freedom. And now we're on our way, on our way, on our way. The sails are made from our dreams. There will be better days downstream. And now we're drifting down the river of Freedom. Please let our spirit last. We're raising up our mast. And now we're drifting..... down the river of Freedom"

Can I stress the fact that a lot of people are being VERY judgmental with other peoples opinions and beliefs on the 2012 Election coming up. My thing is... we are all entitled to our own opinion and statements. Posts to a social network or personal blog site are MY POSTS! Don't like 'em, simply delete me from your feed or unfriend me, (already been unfriended due to a link I posted on my Facebook wall and did NOT stand down on why I posted what I did and not to branch off into an entirely different flippin issue!). But... I respect every persons opinions and beliefs; as I wish to have mine respected in the same sense and/or fashion. 

QUOTING Lady Miss Kier....

"Depending on how you see a thing, the ship is free, or it is sinking. Depending on how you see it. You cage your mind or you free it. Depending on how you see the times, the world divides or it closely binds. Depending on how you see the times, we're wasting time we're in a moving line."

another bit of Lady Kier words... 

"After the rain, I'm on my way to better days. And I must say, no puddle splash keeps me away. After the rain. Rainbows find my pot of soul. I can't complain.. I'm just in from the cold.


"The more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war"
-Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

"Yes, we love peace, but we are not willing to take wounds for it, as we are for war"

"I think that people want peace so much that one of these days gov't had better get out of their way and let them have it"
-Dwight Eisenhower

"We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom"
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves"
-Abraham Lincoln 

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you"
-Author Unknown

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must undergo the fatigue of supporting it" -Thomas Paine

"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul"
-Moshe Dayan

"We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it."
-William Faulkner 

"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better."
-Albert Camus

"Without freedom, no one really has a name"
-Milton Acorda

Imagine if everyone helped a little bit, and it comes back to you! It's called Karma! Positive or negative... you'll see!!!
I wrote this poem below back in Aug 2000, and even in high school I was dreaming BIG!!

"The Begging, Yet Giving Man"

I walked down the busy street, and saw an old man
He looked like a vagrant soul, as he held out an empty can
I was a good twenty feet away from the fellow
But the distance still allowed me to see his teeth were yellow
As he held out his vacant can asking for cash
People didn't even look at him, as though he were senseless trash
The closer I got, the more nervous I felt
As his pants fell to his knees, in need of a belt
I reached in my pocket and pulled out seven dimes
I placed them in his can letting them sound like wind chimes
But concentrating on making sure he didn't step on a sidewalk crack
He looked at me and smiled, and gave me two of the dimes back
He just smiled and said "I like to return something to the giving"
I grinned and said thank you, walked away thankful for the way I'm living.

Shayna Patrice Keach

Let Us Love The World to Peace, not Death...

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